THE PASSIVE VOICE Latihan 1: ubahlah bentuk aktif menjadi pasif dengan memberikan bentuk be yang tepat. 1. Tom opens the door → The door is opened by Tom 2. Tom is opening the door → The door is being opened by Tom. 3. Tom has opened the door → The door has been opened by Tom. 4. Tom opened the door → The door was opened by Tom. 5. Tom was opening the door → The door was being opened by Tom. 6. Tom had opened the door → the door had been opened by Tom. 7. Tom will be open the door → The door will be opened by Tom 8. Tom is going to open the door → The door is going to be opened by Tom. 9. Tom will have opened the door → The door will have been opened by Tom. Latihan 2: Ubahlah bentuk aktif menjadi pasif 1. Shakespeare wrote that play → That play was written by Shakespeare. 2. Bill will invite Ann to the party→ Ann will be invited to the party. 3. Alex is preparing that report → That report is being prepared by Alex. 4. Waitresses and waiters serve costu...
GERUND AND INFINITIF Latihan 1: isilah dengan preposisi dan bentuk verba yang tepat 1. Alice’s isn’t interested in looking for a new job 2. Henry is excited to leaving for india 3. You are capable to doing better work 4. I have no excuse to being late 5. I’m accustomed for having a big breakfast 6. The rain prevented us from completing the work 7. Fred is always complaining about having headache 8. Instead of studying, margaret wnt to ball game with some of her friends 9. Thank you for helping me carry the packages to the post office 10. Mrs. Grant insisted on knowing the whole truth 11. He showed us how to get to his house by drawing a map 12. You should take adventage of living here 13. Laura had a good reason for not going to class yesterday 14. Everyone in the neighborhood participated in searching for the lost child 15. I apologized to Diane becouse making her wait for me 16. The weather is terrible tonight. I don’t blame you for not wanting to go to the mee...
RIWAYAT HIDUP Aristarchus lahir di pulau Samos pada tahun 310 SM. Dia adalah orang pertama yang berbeda pandangan mengenai pusat jagat raya. Menurut Aristarchus, bukan bumi sebagai titik pusat (heliosentris). Pemikiran ini pada masanya kurang bergema, kalah dengan pandangan umum yang meyakini bahwa bumilah sebagai sebagai titik pusat (Geosentris). Pada masa mudanya, Aristarchus belajar di Lyceum, akademi yang didirikan oleh Aristoteles. Aristarchus menulis banyak buku tentang astronomi (ilmu bintang) tapi sebagian besar bukunya lenyap. Salah satu bukunya yang berjudul “ On The Size and Distance Of The Sun and Moon ”, menunjukkan bukti yang serius bagaimana ia melakukan pengukuran relatif terhadap jarak matahari dan bulan dari bumi. Aristarchus mencoba mengukur besarnya matahari dan bulan dengan trigonometri. Hasil perhitungannya tidak tepat, karena ia tidak mempunyai peralatan yang memadai. Untuk menghormati jasanya, nama Aristarchus diabadikan jadi nama kawah di bulan. Ar...
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